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In just about any household, it isn’t uncommon to have a whole multitude of electrical appliances and installations running at the same time. From lights, ceiling fans, heating and air-conditioning, kitchen appliances, to pool motors and pumps, the total amount of power that is required to keep all appliances functioning at once can sometimes really add up.
More often than not, however, we purchase and use devices and appliances without really considering the load it will have on the home’s electrical system. When too many things are running at once and your home’s breaker panel doesn’t have the capacity to handle all of it, just turning on a blender could trigger an overload in the breaker panel, which could cause your entire home’s power supply to shut down. This event can damage appliances that were connected to the circuit during the overload, which could then in turn, potentially lead to further issues and safety hazards down the line as one is left to deal with faulty appliances. If you have ever experienced any of these shut-downs, or if lights in your home flicker when you plug in a new appliance, then you know it’s time for a breaker panel upgrade.
A breaker panel upgrade is basically the installation of new receptacles and circuits in order to add to the total capacity of your home’s electrical system. This is particularly important for households with large appliances and electrical needs. During an upgrade, you can also request to add circuits for sensitive electronics in order to protect items such as computers and televisions from damage if ever a power surge or another overload occurs.
When upgrading, it is vital to enlist the help of a professional residential electrician, and our team at Pettett Electric is exactly what you need. Every member of our crew is highly-trained and licensed, and equipped with the tools and expertise necessary to complete the job. Our electricians are also thorough, and produce only the highest quality of work, and don’t cut any corners. Having provided top-notch service to residents in in Plano, Allen, Murphy, Dallas, Frisco and surrounding areas for many years, we also have the field experience needed to handle any type of electrical work.
So send us a message or give us a call at 972-388-3560 today, so we can assist you with your breaker panel upgrades and help you in keeping your household running smoothly. Our helpful and friendly staff will be happy to respond to your inquiries.